Smartphone usage by old adults: the simple evidence based on behavioural issue
Smart phones and people are two things something not separate that from one another. Children, adolescents and adults use smart phones. Their intensity with their smart phones varies. Smart phones provide a variety of features, not just to receive and make long-distance calls,activities such as self and edit it for hours, watching movies, surfing the Internet, games, social media and others can also be done. Various data show that the cumulative time of this activity results in a high level of smart phone usage, both in children, adolescence and adulthood. So, what about old adult?
Pengintegrasian Motif Ibadah Pendidik Sebagai Upaya Optimalisasi Pencapaian Tujuan Pendidikan
Pendidikan secara praktiknya tidak terlepas dari proses pembelajaran sepanjang ayat. Konsep ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keadaan muatan motif yang ada pada diri para pelaksana pendidikan, seperti pendidik, peserta didik, terutama terkait dengan penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran sebagai suatu ibadah. Secara implisit penyelenggaraan proses pembelajaran merupakan suatu perbuatan ibadah. Perbuatan ibadah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh motif-motif tertentu oleh pelakunya, terutama pendidik dan peserta didik yang secara langsung terlibat di dalamnya.
Model problem based learning yang dipakai saat ini, masih berlaku secara umum untuk semua jenjang pendidikan sehingga sasaran dari penelitian ini tidak tercapai keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Oleh Karena itu penulis memodifikasi model PBL dengan mengintegrasikan FC didalamnya, karena diharapkan pemodifikasian ini mampu menjadi ideal yang berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa.
Molecular Characterization Of Endophytic Bacterial Isolates Of Angsana Leaves (Pterocarpus Indicus Willd) Producers Of Antibiotics Compounds
The increasing resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antimicrobials requires the discovery of new antibiotics. Angsana plant or Lansano (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) is one of the medicinal plants in West Sumatra. Angsana has the potential to have endophytic bacteria capable of producing antibiotic compounds like its host. The endophytic bacterial isolates of Angsana can inhibit the growth of S. aureus and E. coli bacteria. This study aims to determine the genetic characteristics of the endophytic bacteria of Angsana leaves that produce antibiotic compounds through phylogenetic tree analysis.
Optimization of Fermentation Condition of Lansano Endophyte Bacteria (Pterocarpus Indicus Willd) Isolate BA 1 to Produce Antibiotic Compounds
Increasing cases of antibiotic resistance encourage researchers to find new bioactive compounds. The source of the newly developed antibiotics is utilizing endophytic bacteria. BA1 isolate is an endophytic bacterium from Lansano plant (Pterocarpus indicus Willd) which has high antimicrobial activity. Antibiotic compounds are produced through a fermentation process. The purpose of this study was to optimize the fermentation conditions of endophytic bacteria Lansano isolate BA1 in producing antibiotic compounds. Optimization of the fermentation time was carried out for 72 hours.
Reconstruction of Community Knowledge in the Process of Making Potato Dodol Kerinci on the Criteria of Product Halalness Using Ethnoscience Approach
This study aims to reconstruct the community's original knowledge in the process of making potato dodol into scientific knowledge according to the halal criteria of a product determined by the halal product guarantee system. The research method used is descriptive qualitative based on ethnoscience with the scope of examination including document analysis, interviews and documentation. Data collection is done directly to respondents (business actors) by purposive sampling.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan self efficacy mahasiswa biologi melalui tahapan pengembangan konseptual modifikasi model inkuiri. Tahapan pengembangan konseptual modifikasi model inkuiri menggunakan prosedur sintesis Lee and Jang dengan pendekatan Theory-driven conceptual Instructional Design Models tipe F1-O1-S1-A1 dan dilanjutkan dengan tahapan eksperimen menggunakan uji-t.