Lia Angela


Submitted by admin on Fri, 09/01/2023 - 10:00

Online learning is an alternative learning system, especially when face-to-face learning cannot be held. This study aims to analyse the perceptions of high school teachers in the city of Sungaipuh about the online learning system and find out the problems of teachers in implementing it. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population of this study were high school teachers and equivalent schools in Sungaipuh with a sample of 182 people. Data was collected through surveys using open and closed questionnaires.

Reconstruction of Community Knowledge in the Process of Making Potato Dodol Kerinci on the Criteria of Product Halalness Using Ethnoscience Approach

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/13/2023 - 00:31

This study aims to reconstruct the community's original knowledge in the process of making potato dodol into scientific knowledge according to the halal criteria of a product determined by the halal product guarantee system. The research method used is descriptive qualitative based on ethnoscience with the scope of examination including document analysis, interviews and documentation. Data collection is done directly to respondents (business actors) by purposive sampling.

The Practicality And Validity Of The Popular Scientific Book Development “Survival Plants”

Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/31/2022 - 14:03

The popular scientific book was developed to construct the reader's knowledge in recognizing survival plants in the forest. The purposed of the development of this book was to help in identifying the wild plants that can be consumed and used as medical material directly in the forest. Besides, the development process, the practicality and validity stages of popular scientific books were intended to assess the exactness and easiness of the use of these popular scientific books.

Pengembangan Modul Fisiologi Tumbuhan Berorientasi Konstruktivisme Dilengkapi Peta Pikiran

Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/28/2021 - 13:35

Mahasiswa membutuhkan suatu bahan perkuliahan yang dapat membantu dan memudahkan mereka dalam perkuliahan, serta dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan motivasi belajar. Karena itu, perlu dikembangkan bahan perkuliahan dalam bentuk lain, yakni modul berorientasi konstruktivisme dilengkapi peta pikiran yang valid, praktis dan efektif untuk perkuliahan Fisiologi tumbuhan di IAIN Kerinci. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4D. Tahapan yang dilakukan yaitu 1) pendefinisian (define), 2) perancangan (design), 3) pengembangan (develop), dan penyebaran (dissiminate).
