
The Establishment Students’ Religious Character Through the Distinctive of Madrasah Activities

Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/19/2023 - 20:22
The Distinctive of Madrasah is an extra-curricular activity with Islamic distinctive and character. This distinctive is designed to form the noble character of students based on Islamic values ​​in Madrasah. In the long term, the Distinctive of Madrasah is expected to contribute to preparing fully human resources as pillars in nation character building. This study aimed to describe the phenomena and experiences of managing the Distinctive of Madrasah activities at MAN I Sungai Penuh as a forum for establishment students' religious character.

The Practicality And Validity Of The Popular Scientific Book Development “Survival Plants”

Submitted by admin on Tue, 05/31/2022 - 14:03
The popular scientific book was developed to construct the reader's knowledge in recognizing survival plants in the forest. The purposed of the development of this book was to help in identifying the wild plants that can be consumed and used as medical material directly in the forest. Besides, the development process, the practicality and validity stages of popular scientific books were intended to assess the exactness and easiness of the use of these popular scientific books.