Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Di Sekolah Standar Nasional

Submitted by Guest on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 13:14
This study aims to: (1). Understand the implementation process of School Based Management as an effort to improve the quality of learning in National Standard Schools (2). To find out how the results of implementing School Based Management can improve the quality of learning in National Standard Schools. (3). To find out the obstacles to the implementation of School Based Management in improving the quality of learning in National Standard Schools. This research includes research with a qualitative approach with a population of SD Negeri 001XI Sungai Penuh with samples including: foundations, school committees, principals and teachers and school employees and other school personnel. Data was collected through interviews and observation as well as document analysis to the parties in charge and the results were analyzed descriptively and narratively. The research results show that: (1). That the process of implementing School-Based Management at SD Negeri 001XI Sungai Penuh has been going quite well, this is reflected by the existence of: (a). Support for all staff, (b) SBM phasing, (c) Staff training, (d) budget support, (e) Delegation of authority. (2). In terms of the results of its implementation, the implementation of SBM at SD Negeri 001XI Sungai Penuh as an effort to improve the quality of learning has been running quite efficiently and effectively, this can be seen from: (1) High academic achievement of students, (2) Teachers master material and scientific concepts, (3 ) Appropriate teaching methods, approaches, styles, art, and procedures, (4) Efficient and effective use of facilities, (5) Teacher understanding of group and individual characteristics of students, (6) Creating creative dialogue and a fun learning environment, ( 7) Teacher personality (exemplary) Obstacles in SBM at SD Negeri 001XI SungaiFull are that there are still some teachers/employees who are late in responding to the developing phenomenon, the teaching methods are still conventional, and there is an ewuh pakewuh culture in taking decisions. The suggestion in this study is that foundations and local governments need to provide adequate support for the implementation of SBM. Principals better understand the essence of SBM, teachers need to improve their abilities in order to provide learning services to their students, and Community Participation (PSM) in supporting progress needs to be improved
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