English is as foreign language for Indonesian students. Hence, they often find the anxiety in learning speaking. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors of student’s anxiety when presenting in English and how to overcame the anxiety when presenting in English. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. The located of this research was in State Islamic Institute of Kerinci. Based on observations, researcher found nine informants who felt anxious when presenting in English. After making observations, researcher conducted interviews with the nine informants. The informants of this research were sixth semester students of the English Department of State Islamic Institute of Kerinci Academic Year 2022/2023. Collecting data using observation and interview methods. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis techniques with data collection, data reduction and data display, and then presented and according to conformity criteria or not. It can be concluded from the results of the study that the student's anxiety factor when presenting in English is in their pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, rarely practice in public and are less fluent in English and how to overcome anxiety problems when presenting in English by calming yourself by holding your breath, changing the topic and switching to Indonesian and asking for the help of the friend or lecturer concerned. With this research, the researcher hopes to provide several benefits so that some students can reduce their anxiety levels and become confident when asked to make presentations in English.
Gilang Ramadhan Thesis.pdf5.64 MB
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