

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 09:13

This paper discusses the buying and selling of credit, which has the potential to contain usury. The sale and purchase of credit are examined from the hadith's perspective about buying and selling and the hadith about usury. This paper aims to highlight the allowable and prohibited buying and selling of credit, which departs from the traditions about buying and selling and usury. By looking at what kind of buying and selling of credit is allowed in Islam, it is hoped that it can understand the public who carry out credit buying and selling transactions.

Rukyat as Determination of the Lunar Month Beginning: A Method, Obstacles, and Debate in Indonesia

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:45
Two calendar systems are developing globally, namely the Syamsiyah system (solar system) and the Kamariah system (lunar system). The lunar system is a calendar used by Muslims and has utility in worship rituals based on the calendar period. Qur’an and Hadith have mentioned this completely, namely, one year consists of twelve months. This study aims to determine the determination of the beginning of the lunar month using the rukyat method and to determine the extent to which the implementation of the rukyat method can be accepted by the Indonesian people.

Tradition of the forced marriage of couples who return late at night perspective of Islamic law: Case study of the tradition of the Lekuk Lima Puluh Tumbi Lempur Society, Jambi

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:40

Islam upholds the principle of willing consent in marriage, prohibiting coercion, yet in the Lekuk Lima Puluh Tumbi Lempur Jambi community, forced marriages occur due to local customs, leading to negative consequences. The research method used was field research focusing on the Lekuk Lima Puluh Tumbi Lempur community, Jambi, Indonesia. The data obtained were analyzed and studied with Islamic law. The findings first show that the forced marriage occurs when a man and a woman return to the village after a late night.

Forum Keagamaan sebagai Identitas, Multikulturalisme dan Peran Perempuan dalam Moderasi Beragama: Studi Fenomenologi Agama BKMT Kabupaten Kerinci

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:31
This study aims to analyze how religious forums become the identity of religious women, the relationship between women and religious moderation, and analyze the relationship between religious forums, women, multiculturalism, and religious moderation. The scope of the religious forum will focus on Badan Kontak Majelis Taklim (BKMT). This study uses a religious phenomenological approach by comparing the existence and initial goals of the BKMT itself.

Moral Homo Islamicus (Islamic Man) Dalam Konteks Ekonomi Islam Modern

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:25

This study aims to analyze the assumptions of Islamicus' ideas (theories/concepts) in the context of modern society's behavior which undergoes many changes in preferences which are not adequately described by Homo Economicus which negates morals in conception and makes Self Interest as the goal of maximizing utility. The idea of Homo Islamicus allows it to be collided with modern conditions to find assumptions that are in accordance with the realities that exist in the context of the modern economy.

Tokoh Politik Islam Era Orde Lama Indonesia: Kajian Pemikiran KH Idham Chalid dalam Menerima Konsep Demokrasi Terpimpin Tahun 1965

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:22

After the ups and downs of the cabinet during the parliamentary democracy or often referred to as liberal democracy, Soekarno implemented a new concept and model of democracy since 1959 called guided democracy. KH Idham Chalid who at that time served as chairman of PBNU issued his political ijtihad that guided democracy was in accordance with Islamic teachings. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the ijtihad of KH Idham Chalid, especially his thoughts on the concept of guided democracy.


Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:15

The jarah contract in Indonesia is regulated by various regulations, such as the fatwa of the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) and regulations from the Financial Services Authority (OJK). The fatwa and egulations are the references in the practice of contracts in Islamic financial institutions, one of which is Islamic banking. There may be a discrepancy between the practice of Islamic banking contracts and existing regulations.

Welfare Beneficiary Community BUMDes Karya Dermawan Dusun Dalam Village

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/12/2023 - 08:34
Dusun Dalam Village Government established a Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) Karya Dermawan is a policy utilization. The main pillar was established BUMDes Karya Dermawan in accordance with the mandate of the objectives whose activities were oriented to encourage the welfare of the village community. Therefore, this study was conducted aimed at looking at the welfare provided by BUMDes Karya Dermawan Dusun Dalam village especially to the beneficiary community and compare the level of welfare before and after BUMDes Karya Dermawan was established.

Urgensi Pemahaman Terhadap Maqashid Al-Syari’ah dan Perubahan Sosial dalam Istinbath Al-Ahkam

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/12/2023 - 08:32
Maqasid sharia is still one of the exciting study themes to be studied. Because of its development, the study of maqasid discourse is still in an effort to find the ideal form of the conceptual formulation. For this reason, this study will review the correlation between the understanding of maqasid sharia and social change as a necessity in an effort to do istinbath al-ahkam.

Gelar Adat di Kerinci Ditinjau dari Ilmu Sosial

Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 10:34

Bangsa Indonesia adalah bangsa yang majemuk, hal ini ditandai dengan budayanya yang multikulturalisme; memiliki budaya, adat dan suku yang sangat banyak dan beragam, seperti: Budaya/Adat Bali yang mendiami Pulau Bali, Budaya/Adat Jawa yang mendiami Pulau Jawa, Budaya/Adat Sasak yang mendiami Pulau Lombok. Demikian pula halnya salah satu budaya/adat yang mendiami Pulau Sumatera yaitu Budaya/Adat Kerinci yang ada di Kabupaten Kerinci Provinsi Jambi.
