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Submitted by emayulia on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 19:43
Dalam melakukan praktikum tentunya dibutuhkan panduan praktikum. Panduan praktikum yang membantu dalam pengembangan sikap dan kinerja ilmiah mahasiswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode Campuran (Mixed Methods). Dalam penelitain metode campuran (Mixed Methods) ini akan menggunakan pendekatan Explanatory Sequential Design (Rancangan Sekuensial Eksplanatoris). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua mahasiswa Biologi semester III IAIN Kerinci yang mengontrak matakuliah Botany Phanerogamae yang berjumlah 110 orang.

Pendekatan Etnomatematika dalam Permainan Tradisional Anak di Wilayah Kerapatan Adat Koto Tengah Kota Sungai Penuh Propinsi Jambi

Submitted by admin on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 19:32
: Belajar matematika cenderung formal dan kaku serta kurang menyenangkan. Disamping itu pemahaman tentang nilai-nilai dalam pembelajaran matematika yang disampaikan para guru belum menyentuh keseluruh aspek yang mungkin. Terdapat hubungan yang saling asing antara materi matematika di sekolah dengan kehidupan keseharian siswa setempat, sehingga hal ini menyebabkan matematika sulit dipahami oleh siswa.Etnomatematika merupakan representasi kompleks dan dinamis yang menggambarkan pengaruh kultural penggunaan matematika dalam aplikasinya.

Indonesian Pre-service and In-service Science Teachers’ TPACK Level

Submitted by emayulia on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 16:33
This current study aimed to examine the levels of TPACK among pre-service and in-service science teachers, including several influencing factors such as gender, status, and age. Through a study of TPACK dimensions of the 211 pre-service and in-service biology teachers in junior high school and science teachers in senior high schools were identified. The results depicted that pre-service and in-service science teachers dominate the understanding and application of non-technological dimensions.

Keruntuhan Teori Flat Earth Menurut Filsafat Islam dan Al-Quran

Submitted by emayulia on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 16:29
This research aims to know how to collapse the theory of flat Earth according to Islamic philosophy and Al-Quran. The research used is qualitative research with a literature study method, namely tracing journals, articles, books, Tafsir Al-Quran, and other sources that support, combine, analyze, and draw conclusions. The results of the study that the philosophy of Islam and the Qur'an argue in detail and detail that the theory of Flat Earth or flat earth is contrary to the thought of the figures of Islamic philosophy and Qur'anic verses.

Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Praktikum Biologi Umum Jurusan Tadris Biologi Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Kerinci

Submitted by emayulia on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 16:27
One way to evaluate general biology practicum is to know the students' perceptions of general biology practicum. This study aims to determine student perceptions of general biology practicum, general biology practicum planning, facilities and infrastructure of general biology practicum, and also to determine the perceptions of students towards the implementation of general biology practicum majoring in biology IAIN Kerinci. This research belongs to the category of qualitative research.

taqlid dan ittiba' serta dampak terhadap pengembangan hukum islam

Submitted by karlini on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 15:45
Dalam al-Qur'an terdapat ayat-ayat yang menyisyaratkan melarang Orang islam ikut-ikutan dalam menjalankan agama, diantaranya firman Allah surat Lukman ayat 21 yang artinya: Dan apabila diikatakan kepada mereka “ikutlah apa yang diturunkan Allah”, mereka menjawab: “ (tidak), tapi kami hanya) mengikuti apa yang kami dapati bapak-bapak kami mengerjakannya.

Pendidikan Berbasis Kompetensi: Implikasinya pada Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran

Submitted by saaduddin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 23:49
This article aims to explain the nature of competency-based education (CBE) by examining the concept of competency as an educational outcome and its implications for curriculum and instruction. Analysis of problems related to CBE and its application in learning is done by incorporating CBE concepts into curriculum design. Some of the consequences of implementing it in schools are also discussed. Each of the ideas put forward can be used as a frame of reference for determining the types of difficulties a school will face when a CBE-based curriculum is implemented.

Kejenuhan Belajar Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kerinci

Submitted by saaduddin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 23:38
This study aims to look at the description of the learning saturation of male students, the learning saturation of female students, and to test the differences in learning saturation of male and female students in the 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 Islamic Guidance and Counseling Department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Kerinci. This type of research is descriptive and comparative research which describes the differences in learning saturation of male and female students.

Implementasi Supervisi Akademik Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Sekabupaten Kerinci

Submitted by saaduddin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 23:32
This research is motivated by several fundamental issues related to the not yet optimal implementation of Islamic religious education learning supervision in Kerinci district junior high schools at this time and is a concern that needs to be addressed in the context of learning, because it can have an impact on low discipline and student learning outcomes. The teacher's performance itself is strongly influenced by factors such as the implementation of supervision. With this support, PBM of Islamic religious education at the junior high school level can slowly but surely be improved.