Ethno-mathematics-based learning is designed to focus on material that is related to the culture of the area where students are located. Many students do not know the terms of local village customs, especially terms that are mathematical measurements, even though these students are native to the local village. The purpose of this study was to determine the validity of student worksheets based on ethnomatematics based on geometry and measurement. This research took place at SMP Negeri 4 Sungai Penuh conducted in class VII with 159 students. The research method used is development research with the type of Instructional Development Institute (IDI) development. The instructional development of the IDI model applies the principles of a systems approach. There are three major stages of the systems approach, namely define (define) or analyze needs, develop (develop), and evaluate (evaluate). The results in the development stage in this study are based on ethnomatematics based LKPD on geometic material and measurements are declared valid. The validation of this LKPD was assessed by four validators consisting of experts in media, language and mathematics education. The average validity of ethnomatematic based LKPD on geomertial and measurement materials as a whole was 4.417 with the valid category.
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