Pengembangan Bahan Ajar E-Book Interaktif Berbantuan 3D Pageflip Profesional Pada Materi Aritmetika Sosial

Submitted by admin on Fri, 06/16/2023 - 10:22
This research is a development research that adapts the ADDIE development model. There are 5 main stages in this research consisting of stages, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research instruments used are observation sheets, interviews and questionnaires. validated by a team of media experts and the material was then evaluated by the mathematics subject teacher and then tested in small groups of class VII students the results of this study were an interactive e-book teaching material that was operated using 3D pageflip profesional software. material expert. the results of the validation of the media expert obtained a score with an average of 0,86 and the material expert obtained an average of 0,802 which was categorized as valid. Furthermore, for the teacher’s response, a percentage score was obtained 84,62% (very good) so that the interactive e-book teaching materials developed were feasible to be tested of class VII students obtained a percentage of 85, 18% (very good). Based on the development process starting from the validation of media and research materials and results, it can be concluded that this e-book teaching material is very good to be used as teaching material or media that can used interactively in mathematics learning.
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