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Mathematics Learning Aided by Android Applications and its Impact
Mathematics Learning Aided by Android Applications and its Impact
The rapid development of technology in various fields requires us to adapt and incorporate it into our daily lives. In education, it is essential to make use of the vast array of available technologies, such as smartphones. However, to ensure that technology is used effectively in learning, it is necessary to conduct research and identify appropriate methods of application. This study aims to uncover junior high school students' experiences using an Android-based application, namely Algebra Tiles, in mathematics learning.
This research is a development research that adapts the ADDIE development model. There are 5 main stages in this research consisting of stages, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research instruments used are observation sheets, interviews and questionnaires. validated by a team of media experts and the material was then evaluated by the mathematics subject teacher and then tested in small groups of class VII students the results of this study were an interactive e-book teaching material that was operated using 3D pageflip profesional software.
Media Edutainment Instruksional "Nimber game" berbasis Teknologi mobile untuk meningkatkan pemahaman Konseptual matematika
Desain Lintasan Belajar matematika dalam Pembelajaran Arimatika Sosial Menggunakan Aplikasi Quizlet untuk meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep
Menguatkan Karakter Jujur Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
Peningkatan Kemampuan Algebraic Thinking Siswa menggunakan Pendekatan CTL
Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile Learning untuk Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah menengah Pertama
Investigating the effectiveness of using various mathematics learning media among students with various learning styles
Pendidikan karakter Jujur dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Jarak Jauh di SMPN 26 Kerinci