Penggunaan Bank Garansi Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pekerjaan Konstruksi Yang Diterbitkan Bank Jambi Cabang Sungai Penuh

Submitted by admin on Fri, 03/05/2021 - 10:24

This study aims to analyze the use of bank guarantees in the implementation of construction work published by the Jambi Bank Sungai Sungai Branch. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. As for the subjects in this study are users (guaranteed) of Bank Guarantees issued by the Jambi Bank Sungai Penuh Branch which are used to carry out construction work. While the object in this study is the use and contribution given by the Jambi Bank Sungai Sungai Branch as the issuer of the Bank Guarantee. taking informants as informants in this study using purposive sampling techniques. Data sources used in this study are 1) Primary data, 2) Secondary data. The data collection of this study used the technique of collecting data by observation (observation), interview (interview), documentation, and combined / triangulation. To analyze the data that has been collected, this study uses data analysis using triangulation techniques. The results of this study specifically before the Jambi Bank Sungai Sungai Branch issued Bank Guarantees had fulfilled the principles set out in the National Banking law and carried out the rules with regulations that have been set as stipulated in Bank Indonesia Regulations. In the process of issuing and using Bank Guarantees for the implementation of construction work, by the Jambi Bank the Sungai Penuh Branch has carried out procedures and rules which contain the rights and obligations of each party, contract terms and construction work agreements, stages and conditions of issuance of Bank Guarantees, to the process of payment (withdrawal) of the Bank Guarantee itself. In general and specifically that the Jambi Bank Branch Sungai Penuh has had a good relationship with customers and government agencies.

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