Based on the observation in the field, the researcher identify the
problem as follow: English teachers look at assessment as something that is
final with a purposeof just giving students a grade. Most of them do not know
the term of assessment literacy. The assessment practice is not more than
grading activities. Meanwhile, conceptualizations of LAL have also started to
include classroom-based perspectives, opening up for the possibility of
including issues related to, for example, formative assessment. The purpose
of this research was to To find out how do English teachers’ perception of
Language Assessment Literacy at SMP Kerinci. The design of this research
was quantitatif descriptive. In collecting the data, the researcher was
distributed questionnaire to the respondents to assess their perception on
LAL. Based on the finding of the resrech, 1). the total mean of teachers’
perception of Language Assessment Literacy (LAL) was 3.37. The range
level of 3.37 based on the intensity of LAL is at the medium level. It mens
that the teachers’ perception of LAL was at medium level. And it can be said
that the techers sometimes used Language Assessment Literacy in English
learning process. 2). the item anlysis of Langauge assessment literacy of
knowledge components it was found that the total mean of this components
was 2.63. Thus, it can be concluded that the teachers’ perception of LAL of
knowledge component was at Medium level criteria. It means that the teacher
sometimes used knowledge components in LAL. 3). Then, the item anlysis of
Langauge assessment literacy of skills components it was found that the total
mean of this components was 2.83. Thus, it can be concluded that the
teachers’ perception of LAL of skills component was at medium level
criteria. It means that the teacher sometimes used skills components in LAL.
4). In other hand, the item anlysis of Langauge assessment literacy of
principles components it was found that the total mean of this components
was 3.56. Thus, it can be concluded that the teachers’ perception of LAL of
principles component was at High level criteria. It means that the teacher
usualy/often used principles components in LAL
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