FEIMMY PEBRIA UTHAMI, 2021, Improving Students‟ Motivation and Ability in
Comprehending Descriptive Texts by Using Silent Card Shuffle Strategy
(SCSS) at The Eighth Grade Students of MTsN 3 Kerinci. A Thesis in
Departement Of English Faculty Of Tarbiyah and Teahcher Training IAIN
Kerinci. The first advisor,Dr. Daflizar, S.Pd, MA the second advisor Heri
Mudra, M.Pd
Based on the preliminary observation at Class VIII A of MTsN 3 Kerinci, the
problems related to the students‟ motivation and ability in comprehending descriptive
texts were identified. The first problem was related to the teaching technique that the
teacher used in the classroom. The English lesson lacked variation of learning activities.
The activities mostly focused on books or Student Worksheets or Lembar Kerja
Siswa(LKS). After getting the explanation, the students were asked to complete the
exercises. Most of the learning materials were taken from books. The second problem
was related to the learning media. The teaching activities lacked the use of media,
whereas the variation of media was important in gaining the students‟ motivation to
comprehending descriptive texts..
In this research, the focus was on improving students‟ motivation and ability in
comprehending descriptive texts by using silent card shuffle strategy (SCSS) at The
Eighth Grade Students of MTsN 3 Kerinci. The participants of this research were the
English teacher and the Eighth Grade Students of MTsN 3 Kerinci.
Based on the results, the researcher draws several conclusions as follow: From
the qualitative data, the results show that the implementation of SCSS could make
improve students‟ motivation and ability in comprehending descriptive texts. The
teaching activities become more well-planned and structured. Besides, SCSS provided
the opportunities for the students to work in groups. From the group work activities, the
students could build their cooperation and participation in the learning activities. They
enjoyed learning more by working in groups. Furthermore, the use of cards could
facilitate the students to understand the texts. The students also got easier to understand
the texts by using the pictures which were used in the cards and in the reading exercises.
They could get visual images about the story plot of the texts. The students were more
engaged when they were joining the games. Silent card shuffle games were done in the
form of group competition. The students could actively participate in those activities. In
addition, various reading exercises were given to the students. It could give
opportunities for the students to develop their reading skills.
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