The purpose of this research was to know whether there were any
correlation among students‟ reading strategy and their ability in reading
comprehension. This research was conducted at the eleventh grade students of
SMAN 3 Kerinci that consisted of 72 students as the sample. The design of this
research was quantitatif descriptive and the technique used in this research was a
correlational technique. In collecting the data, the researcher was distributed
questionnaire to the respondents to assess students‟ reading strategy. Meanwhile,
students‟ reading ability was assessed by a test. In analyzing the data, the
researcher used SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science). From the
hypothesis testing, it can be seen that: the correlation between reading strategies
and reading ability at the good (high) level. It was indicated by the correlation
score of 0.726 with correlation table of 0.394 (r-computed 0.726 > r-table 0.394).
This can be said that there was good (high) correlation between students‟ reading
strategies and their reading ability. Besides, based on the Cresswell opinion‟s the
score of 0.726 is near than 1 it is mean that the two variables are strongly
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