Islamic religious education in schools is one form of effort to develop
students' abilities in increasing religious understanding, namely increasing faith
and piety to Allah SWT, as well as moral nobility. In this study, with the aim of
finding out there is a correlation between learning Aqidak Akhlak and Akhlak
students of class VIII MTs Nurul Haq Semurup. The research method used is
quantitative correlation. The data collection technique is a learning questionnaire
of Akidah Akhlak and students' morals.
Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be seen that: (1)
Learning aqidah morals for class VIII at MTs Nurul Haq Semurup is classified as
student morals by 49.21%. pretty good. This can be seen from the percentage of
students who have a student moral effectiveness level of 49.21%. Meanwhile,
students who have a poor level of student moral aqidah learning implementation
at 6.35%, good at 30.16 and very good at 14.29%. (2) The morals of class VIII
students at MTs Nurul Haq Semurup are quite good. This can be seen from the
percentage of students who have a poor level of student morals learning
implementation of 6.35%, good and very good, 44,45%. (3) The correlation
between learning Akidah Akhlak with the morals of class VIII MTs Nurul Haq
Semurup according to the correlation coefficient value of 0.712 or with an
termination coefficient of 50.69%. while 49.31% is influenced by other factors.
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