English is as foreign language for Indonesia students. Hence they often find the lack grammar and the students' motivation is still low in speaking skills. The Objective of this research was to get empirical evidence about The of using Cake game application towards students' speaking skill to descriptive text in academic year 2022/2023. This research used quasi-Experimental method. This research had been conducted at MTs Tanah Kampung. The Population of this research was the eighth grade students of MTs Tanah Kampung which consisted of 45 students into three classes, namely VIII A, VIII B and VIII C. After ensuring with the clluster random sampling, two classes were finally chosen as the sample of this research: VIII A as the experimental class and VIII B as the control class. Both of classes consisted of 30 students with almost homogenous score. The experimental class treated by using cake game application, while the control class was using the conventional ways. The pre-test was given to the two groups before giving the treatment. The result of pre-test showed the mean score of experimental class was 48,86 and the control class was 48. After giving the treatment, post-test was given. The result of post-test showed the mean score of experimental class was 62,2 and the control class was 52,2. In addition, the result of independent sample T-count (13,34) showed that t- count was higher than t-table (4,2). In other words, H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. In summary, it could be stated that students’ who were taught speaking by using cake game application was more effective than using the conventional ways. So, it can be concluded that cake game application has positive effect to the Eighth Grade Students at MTs Tanah Kampung on Speaking skill.
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