Keywords: Correlational, vocabulary mastery, reading interest, reading comprehension abaility. Reading interest, reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery are related each other. If someone does not have an interest in learning, especially in reading it will in hibit it in the learning process and if the interest is not interspersed with other abilities, especially reading comprehension and vocabulary mastery, it will cause the learning process not be carried out properly due to the ability to solve the code or identifying and pronouncing words is clearly important. The purposes of this research was to know the correlation between: (1) Vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension ability; (2)reading interest and reading comprehension ability; and Vocabulary mastery, reading interest and reading comprehension ability. This research used quantitative method to collect the data with descriptive correlational design. The population of this research was the eighth grade students of SMPN 27 Kerinci which consisted of 43 students as the sample were collected through total sampling technique. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire and test. The questionnaire was used to collect the data and measure of students „reading interest, while a test were used to collect the data and measure of students‟ vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension ability. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment and Multiple Linear Regression technique by using SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Science) 20.0 for windows. It showed that: (1) Based on the Pearson Correlation Coefficient 0,304. It was higher than 0,294 (r-table) and the coefficient correlation at level Low. It can be concluded that HO was rejected and H1 was accepted. In other words, there was Low correlation between the students‟ Vocabulary mastery and reading comprehension ability; (2) The result showed that the Pearson Correlation was 0,583. It was higher than 0,294 (r-table) and the coefficient correlation at level fair. It means that HO was rejected and H1 was accepted. In other words, there was Fair and significant correlation between the students‟ reading interest and reading comprehension ability ; (3) Besides, In the model summary table, R value of 0,418 indicated that correlation between independent variables (Vocabulary mastery and reading interest) toward reading comprehension ability was Fair (Enough). Thus, it is can be conclude that there are Fair (Enough) Correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and reading interest toward reading comprehension ability
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