The research concludes here with a summary of the findings of what the found. two
research questions address the diversity of learning motivation, achievement and
motivational outcomes. that is the result of using SPSS. one research question about
learning motivation was answered by using a learning motivation questionnaire in the
answer format SS, S, TS, and STS. motivasi to learn English consist of two kinds and has
several Indicators; namely, the first Intrinsic motivation in the form of Interest, Need,
Hobby, and Goals. while Extrinsic motivation is in the form of Parents, Teacher, and
Students in grades VII A and VII B at SMPN 16 kerinci, on Intrinsic and Extrinsic
factors with Intrinsic Indicators namely Interest, Need, Hobby, and Goal. while the
Extrinsic Indicator are, parents, teacher, and environment. so, from these two factor,
many stdents are motivated by Extrinsic than Intrinsic. this is due thier high learning
motivation and their own will without coercion from others and students’ interest in
learning English. Intrinsic motivation has the highest score with a percentage of 48,6%,
than Extrinsic motivation hs the highest score with a percentage of 64,7%
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