Keywords: Rider Strategy, Reading Comprehension, News Item Text
Reading is one of the basic skills of language learning. It cannot be
separated from other skills of language learning besides writing, speaking, and
listening. Those skills must be learned all by English language learners. The
objective of this research was to know if there is any significant effect of using
Read, Image, Describe, Evaluate, And Repeat (RIDER) Strategy Toward
Students’ Reading Comprehension ofNews Item Text At the Eleventh Grade of
SMA Negeri 11 Kerinci Academic Year 2021/2022. The type of the reseach was
quasi experimental research. The population of the research was the Eleventh
Grade of SMA Negeri 11 Kerinci Academic Year 2021/2022, it was 50 students.
Sample of this research consisted of 50 students from two classes. There were
experiment class and control class. The analysis data used t-test. The result of the
research showed that there was significant effect of using Read, Image, Describe,
Evaluate, and Repeat (RIDER) Strategy toward Students’ Reading
Comprehension ofNews Item Text at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 11
Kerinci Academic Year 2021/2022. It could be seen of hypothesis was gotten the
mean of control class was 57.28while the experimental class was 66.08. And after
doing t-test, it was found that tobserve = 2.6> ttable = 1.67. It can be concluded that
there was significant effect of using Read, Image, Describe, Evaluate, and Repeat
(RIDER) Strategy toward Students’ Reading Comprehension ofNews Item Text at
the Eleventh Grade of SMA Negeri 11 Kerinci Academic Year 2021/2022.The
teacher are suggested should always give the motivation to the students to study
hard, and the teacher can be choices RIDER strategy for in learning English
especially in reading comprehension.
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