Titik Karmila 2022. Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of
Narrative Text by Using Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method at the Ninth
Grade of State Junior High School 11 KERINCI in Academic Year
This study aims to determine the extent to which the Start Simple Stories
(SSS) Method can improved students' reading comprehension in Narrative texts
for class XI State Junior High School 11 KERINCI in the Academic 2022/2023
and to find out the factors that supported the improvement of students' reading
comprehension of Narrative texts through the Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method
in class XI of State Junior High School 11 KERINCI in Academic 2022/2023.
This research was a Classroom Action Research. The action research was
conducted in two cycles from 06 October to 31 October . Each cycle consisted of
four meetings. Each cycle consisted of four stages; Planning, Action, Observation
and Reflection. The sample used in this study consisted of 23 students. Data
collection techniques in this study used qualitative data obtained through
observation and documentation. Observations made during the learning process
were recorded in field notes and observation sheets, while quantitative data used
20 multiple-choice tests at the end of each cycle. This study used data analysis
techniques in the form of class activities, data management, reading and
memorization, describe, and interpretation. Based on the results of the study,
students' scores were obtained in cycle 1 was 63.91 and cycle 2 was 82.39 This
means that there was an increased in students' reading comprehension in Narrative
text learning by used the Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method for ninth grade
students of State Junior High School 11 KERINCI in the 2022/2023 Academic
year. Besides that, the researcher suggests English teachers to used Start Simple
Stories (SSS) Method in English Learning.
Key Words: Start Simple Stories (SSS) Method, Reading Comprehension,
Narrative Text.
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