Actualization of Religious Moderation in Islamic Fatwas in Mainstream Online Media in Indonesia

Submitted by admin on Mon, 06/12/2023 - 14:28
This study is intended to explain the actualization of religious moderation in Islamic fatwas in mainstream media in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach, in the form of media text studies combined with field studies. The media that is used as the object of study is Republika online which is considered to be able to represent mainstream media that has an interest in Islamic issues. Data analysis used the critical discourse analysis method developed by Teun A van Dijk. This study conveys that in general the contents of fatwas in Republika have actualized and supported the agenda of religious moderation in Indonesia, but when measured by each indicator, the contents of religious moderation tend to only appear in formal in national commitment aspect, tent to avoid diversity of insight because of the urge to alays be moderate, and only convey the phsycal and manifest violence by disregading that of non-physical and latent. Meanwhile, accommodative indicators of local culture tend to be overlooked in almost all fatwa content, even though many issues potentially can be linked to this indicator.
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