Perilaku Prososial Ditinjau dari Budaya, Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi, dan Gender

Submitted by ekosujadi on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 20:19
This study aims to analyze the description of prosocial behavior, differences in prosocial behavior based on socioeconomic conditions, gender, and culture, as well as the differences in prosocial behavior based on the interaction between culture, socioeconomic conditions, and gender. This research is a comparative descriptive study that uses comparative analysis techniques. A total of 123 students participated in this study, and the instrument used was the Likert scale. Hypothesis testing in this research used three-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that the level of prosocial behavior in SMP Islam Hands Nagan Raya was moderate. Furthermore, all hypotheses were rejected, indicating that there were no differences in prosocial behavior based on the measured characteristics. This study has important implications for the formation of prosocial behavior through guidance and counseling services.
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