
An Analysis Of Swear-Words Used In Pondok Tinggi Dialect Of Kerinci Language

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 08:30

The expression of feelings can be delivered politely or impolitely. The impolite expression usually delivered by using swearwords or obscenities. In English, it is well-known as swear words. This study aimed to describe the types, meaning, and function of swear words spoken by natives in PondokTinggi, Sungai Penuh city.

Sistem Pemerintahan Tigo Tali Sepilin, Tungku Tigo Sejerang: Pendidikan Politik Karakter dari Adat dan Budaya Lokal

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 07:40

Masa Reformasi sebagai penanda runtuhnya kekuasaan Soeharto yang dibangun selama 32 tahun pada tahun 1998 mengakibatkan runtuhnya sistem politik, sosial, ekonomi, agama, bahkan budaya yang terbangun melalui usaha sadar maupun tidak sadar dalam rentang waktu 1966 – 1998 tersebut. Namun, di sisi lain, runtuhnya rezim Soeharto, justeru membangunkan sistem lama yang telah tenggelam, tepatnya, ditenggelamkan oleh pemerintahan Orde Baru.


Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Sosial Terhadap Ijtihad Abu Bakar Al-Shiddiq

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 13:30

Abu Bakar, a caliph which is very close to the Messenger and those who believe, first of all among adults. His Ijtihad (struggle) is very influential on the development of religious Muslims at the time. Because of to the strength and solidarity of Muslims at that time, Muslims still exist, as in the time of the Prophet of Islam, even in certain areas there is progress and a significant advantage which was inspired by some of his brilliant effort.


Peradaban Masyarakat Berber Di Afrika Utara Dan Spanyol Abad 11 M Dan 13 M (Studi Dinasti Muwahhiddun 524 -667 H/ 1130 –1269 M)

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 13:05

This paper examines the Berber civilization / Bedouin in the region of North Africa and Spain (Andalusia) in the 11th and 12th centuries. The study of this quite interesting and unique, especially pay attention to the social conditions of the people who had previously been in the desert region and then move into settled communities / cities (from desert people to sedentary people). Unlike other Islamic regions, the Berber tribes that originally scattered united in a religious movement that subsequently form an Islamic government, one is the Almohads Dynasty (West, al-Mohad).


Aksara Incung Kerinci Bukti Tingginya Peradaban Kerinci

Submitted by donfairlow on Wed, 02/24/2021 - 09:35

Aksara Incung Kerinci adalah bukti kemajuan peradaban masyarakat Kerinci di Provinsi Jambi. Aksara Incung Kerinci ini digunakan oleh masyarakat kerinci di masa lalu untuk berkomunikasi maupun mencatatkan aspek-aspek budaya mereka.

Dengan adanya aksara kerinci, budaya komunikasi, sastra maupun hukum juga berkembang dengan baik dan perkembangannya dapat dipantau dimasa kini. Generasi saat ini juga dapat mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan kebudayaan di Kerinci.
