Heri Mudra

Local Wisdom In Conserving Vegetation In Temedak Customary Forest In Keluru Village Keliling Danau District Kerinci Regency

Submitted by admin on Tue, 03/02/2021 - 10:48

This research was conducted based on local wisdom in Keluru. The society has awarness to keep Temedak Customary Forest of Keluru. They understand the positive effects of that Customary Forest. This Forest was decided as the Customary Forest in written form since 1927. That Customary Forest has many diversities of flora. Then, there are many rules which have made to keep the conservation of that forest in both customary law and the policy of local and village government. The rule is related to the prohibition of Customary Forest exploitation.

Promoting Ict In Education: Theoretical And Practical Roles To Enhance A Better Learning

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 14:19

Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi memiliki manfaat dan kelemahan untuk siswa di kelas pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Peran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi tidak dapat lepas dari kelemahannya., karena setiap fungsinya tidak hanya dapat membantu, namun juga berbahaya untuk siswa jika mereka menggunakannya untuk hal-hal yang negatif. Untungnya penggunaan teknologi infomasi dan komunikas dalam kelas harus selalu dipromosikan guru Bahasa Inggrsis yang mengharapkan bahwa siswanya akan mendapatkan informasi lebih dan terbaru melalui peralatan seperti internet.


Changing English Teaching Era In Higher Education Through Experiential Learning

Submitted by admin on Sun, 02/28/2021 - 12:26

Experiential Learning (EL) has become one of a modern method implemented in ELT contexts. The use of this method has benefited both English teachers and learners in some contexts. EL method is implemented based on learners` experiences. The experiences can lead the learners to a practical knowledge that is needed for their future teaching experiences. To sum up, EL method covers all aspects of teaching and learning.
