Manajemen Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Guru Dan Siswa Dalam Proses Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Islami

Submitted by Guest on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 13:06
This research to describe the management of interpersonal communication between teacher and student in SD Islam Mutiara Al Madani Sungai Penuh in the process of implementation character education. In addition, this research to determine the factors supporting the achievements, obstacles and solution that faced SD Islam Mutiara Al Madani Sungai Penuh in the process of implementation of character education. This research uses qualitative methodology is descriptive qualitative research focusing on teachers and studens. This research data is the result of interviews and direct observation on the object of research. This research uses the theory of interpersonal communication where the implementation of character education through the direct approach with student and giving examples and habituation which is expected to change the attitudes of students in accordance with the expected. Many cases of theft, violence to abuse by children, is a picture of the reality of declining quality of character in children. This would make anyone who knows this news, sad. Therefore, character education is very important applied to children early, because through character education from an early age, children are more directed to the positive things through habituation character values. SD Islam Mutiara Al Madani Sungai Penuh is one of attention to school education in children’s character. This school is doing its part to optimize the golden age of child. So that the application of this method in SD Islam Mutiara Al Madani Sungai Penuh successfully delivered the nation’s next generation of character, moral, intelligent, active, creative, brave, achievement, confidence and responsibility.
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