Keyword : Language Learning Strategies, Improving Vocabulary.
This research is entitled “Analysis of Strategies Used by Students in
Learning English for Improving Vocabulary at The Eleventh Grade of SMAN 4
Kerinci in Academic Years 2021-2022”. The researcher formulated the problem
into two research question, The first question What are the Strategies Used by
students in Learning English for Improving Vocabulary and the second question
What Learning Strategies are dominant choose by Students in Learning English
for Improving Vocabulary. The purpose of the study was to obtain a proportion
(percentage) of each type of English Learning Strategies that Used by at the
Eleventh Grade of SMAN 4 Kerinci. In this research, the form of research is a
descriptive quantitative. The population is the Eleventh Grade of SMAN 4
Kerinci. Consist of two class, class XI MIPA 1 and XI MIPA 2. XI MIPA 1 with a
total 32 students consisting 9 male and 23 female and XI MIPA 2 with a total 32
students consisting 11 male and 21 female, total sampling is 64 students. In
collecting data, researcher used the SILL Questionnaire version 7.0, which was
adapted and adaptation by the lecture English, to understand the strategies chosen
in the Language Learning Used by students in learning English for Improving
Vocabulary. Based on the data analysis, after the deployment instruments
questionnaire researchers found the percentage types of strategies in Memory
17.55%, Cognitive 16.22%, Compensation 18.12%, Metacognitive 19.27%,
Affective 16.10%, Social 16.55%. The students used all the strategies in learning
English and The dominant Language Learning Strategies Used by students in
learning English for improving vocabulary was the strategies Metacognitive
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