Political Thought, KH Idham Chalid, Guided Democracy

Tokoh Politik Islam Era Orde Lama Indonesia: Kajian Pemikiran KH Idham Chalid dalam Menerima Konsep Demokrasi Terpimpin Tahun 1965

Submitted by admin on Wed, 06/14/2023 - 08:22

After the ups and downs of the cabinet during the parliamentary democracy or often referred to as liberal democracy, Soekarno implemented a new concept and model of democracy since 1959 called guided democracy. KH Idham Chalid who at that time served as chairman of PBNU issued his political ijtihad that guided democracy was in accordance with Islamic teachings. The purpose of writing this article is to find out the ijtihad of KH Idham Chalid, especially his thoughts on the concept of guided democracy.