
Peran Nahdatul Ulama (Nu) dalam Pembangunan Hukum Islam di Indonesia

Submitted by admin on Thu, 03/04/2021 - 07:33

Dalam memberikan fatwa, sebagian ulama Indonesia telah membentuk organisasi dan tiap-tiap organisasi memiliki majlis atau lajnah yang bertugas merespon masalah-masalah yang berkembang di masyarakat. Di antara lembaga Ijtihad Ormas Islam di Indonesia adaiah: (1) Majlis Tarjih Muhammadiyah; (2) Bahsul Masa’il NU; (3) Majlis Fatwa Mathla’ul Anwar; (4) Dewan Hisbah Persis; dan (5) Komisi Fatwa MUl.  Pola ijtihad yang dilakukan oleh NU adalah pola bermadzhab, baik bermadzhab secara qauli maupun manhaji.


Metode Ijtihad Majelis Ulama Indonesia

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 12:55

Fatwa is believed to be a container having an important and significant role in the religious life of the Islamic community. The urgency and significance can be seen from its function as a mediating between the ideals of Islamic law on the one hand with the factual reality-communities on the other. This is where all the problems, concerns, hopes, aspirations and experiences presented and confronted people to look for common ground with the ideals of moral and religious ethics in Shari'ah mediated by the intellectual prowess of a mufti.
