August 2024

Strategi Etnis Jawa Kerinci di Era Desentralisasi

Submitted by tinohuda on Thu, 08/08/2024 - 08:39
Orang Jawa datang ke wilayah Kerinci pada zaman kolonial sebagai Kuli Kontrak, lalu menetap dan beregenerasi, bahkan ada yang tak pernah melihat tanah Jawa dan tak mau disebut Orang Jawa. Mereka lebih nyaman disebut Jaker (Jawa Kerinci), walaupun identitas budayanya menjadi ambigu. Orang Jaker dikenal rajin, ulet, dan ukil sehingga lebih makmur dan sejahtera. Di era desentralisasi, kebijakan pemerintah daerah cenderung mementingkan ikatan primordial seperti identitas suku, ras, dan kedaerahan yang memperuncing pertentangan kepentingan antara etnis lokal dan pendatang.

Reading on the phenomenon of islamic education through nyadran tradition in banyumas district

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 12:23
This article aims to describe the interconnection integration of Quranic Tafsir and Anthropology as an analysis of the value of Islamic education in the Nyadran tradition that developed in Semedo Village, Pekuncen District, Banyumas Regency. Nyadran by the Javanese is carried out to welcome the month of Ramadan. At first, Nyadran was a ritual of worship of ancestral spirits carried out by Hindu-Buddhist. However, as Islam came to the archipelago, this tradition was transformed so that it became a tradition containing local wisdom that synergized with Islamic values.

Nahdlatul Ulama Theological Basis in Accepting the Concept of Guided Democracy 1959-1965

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 12:18
Nahdlatul Ulama is the only major political party representing Muslims in national politics during the implementation of guided democracy. NU’s accommodative and flexible political practices have made Nahdlatul Ulama able to live and continue to survive in difficult times. This is inseparable from NU’s religious political strategy, which is its guideline. The theological basis based on the theory of fiqh and ushul fiqh can be seen in NU’s acceptance of the guided democracy concept. This paper aims to reveal NU’s theological foundation in accepting the concept of guided democracy.

The Role and Management of Ma’had Al-Jami’ah in Constructing Religious Character Values in PTKIN

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 11:55
This research is motivated by the movement to spread extreme ideology increasingly facilitated by the existence of new media as a tool to inform, propagandize, and spread radical ideas. To overcome this, efforts to voice a moderate way of religion (religious character) are needed. The implementation of a system to fortify students from extremist Islamic groups is done through the implementation of ma’had. This study aims to determine, analyze the characteristics, and construct the formation of religious character in students at PTKIN throughout Indonesia.

Literasi Moderasi di Pesantren Kampus

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 11:06
Peran Ma’had al-Jami’ah (pesantren kampus) dalam membentengi terpaparnya mahasiswa dari paham kelompok Islam ekstrimis, menjadi pilihan utama. Mengingat banyaknya contoh kasus mahasiswa menjadi incaran guna direkrut menjadi pengikut kaum ekstrimis. Timbul pertanyaan apakah iya lembaga ini sudah benar-benar berperan aktif dalam membentuk karakter religius dan moderat mahasiswa atau santrinya? Jika iya, dalam aspek apa saja?, konsepnya bagaimana? dan kegiatannya seperti apa?, buku yang ada di tangan pembaca jawabannya.

Literacy education urgency for centennial generation in industrial revolution 4.0

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Thu, 08/01/2024 - 09:29
When talking about children’s abilities, they indeed cannot be separated from their educational or training background. Moreover, he has entered the working age that must have productivity in his work, especially at this time, where the era has entered the industrial revolufion 4.0. The industrial revolufion 4.0 is marked by the development of digitalization in various lines of life. On the one hand, the industrial revolufion 4.0 had many posifive impacts.