Studi Komparatif atas Pemikiran Ignaz Goldziher dan Joseph Schact Tentang Kritik Hadis

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Mon, 07/15/2024 - 14:53

The authenticity of the Hadith of the Prophet p.b.u.h. no doubt about his belief among Muslims. However, the study of the authenticity of this hadith is a topic that is always discussed. Especially the orientalists are looking for errors or mistakes from the hadith. Mustafa al-Sibai explains in the book al-Sunnah wa Makanatuha fi al-Tasyri’ al-Islami, two of which are the primary triggers for these orientalists. First, there is a reason for blind fanaticism and spreading falsehoods about Islamic teachings. Second, the factor of political colonialism and imperialism occurred after knowing about the natural wealth and products of eastern culture, thus creating a sense of wanting to seize and rule over them. This is in line with the controversial opinions that have been put forward by Ignaz Goldziher and Joseph Schacht on hadith. This study aims to compare the thoughts or views of two orientalist figures, namely Ignaz Goldziher and Joseph Schacht. This study uses qualitative methods with library research. From the results of this comparative study, we get the similarities and differences from the analysis of these two orientalist figures, which conclude: first, that both of them doubt the authenticity of the hadith because the hadith is nothing but a product of the tabīn who are often accused of being the source of the hadith and the opposite of their belief. Muslims that the hadith comes from the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. second, Joseph Schacht further developed Ignaz Goldziher’s thinking so that he focused more on criticizing hadith through legal traditions so that he did not look at the original hadith books, but Goldziher did not. Third, both of them have not studied the hadith's depth, especially in the study of Usul al-Hadith, so that many theories or opinions do not follow the Muslims’ beliefs.

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