Muhammad Mundzir, Doli Witro, Moh Nailul Muna, Asa’ari Asa’ari, Muhamad Yusuf

Mediatization of Hadith and the Spirit of Da’wah Moderation in Infographic Content of Online Media

Submitted by yusuf_1970 on Mon, 07/15/2024 - 12:25
One of the movements that online preachers continue to campaign for is the mediatization of hadith. This is due to the transformation of da’wah media from conventional to digital. Mediatization of hadith, one of which is displayed in infographics such as Republika. co. id, is an online media that has also colored the new face of hadith reception on Indonesian social media. This paper aims to reveal da’wah’s ideological bias or character in the mediatization of hadith. This article falls into the category of qualitative research.