
Stratifikasi Al-Maqashid Al-Khamsah (Agama, Jiwa, Akal, Keturunan Dan Harta) Dan Penerapannya Dalam Maslahah

Submitted by admin on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 08:43

Tujuan utama Allah SWT menurunkan syari’at (aturan hukum) adalah untuk memperoleh kemaslahatan dan menghindari kemudharatan (jalb al-mashalih wa dar al-mafasid). Aturan Allah itu adalah untuk kemaslahatan manusia itu sendiri.


Konsep Islam Tentang Negara

Submitted by admin on Mon, 03/01/2021 - 13:32

God created man with a habit that tends to accumulate and are not able to make ends meet alone without the help of others. When people come together to meet their needs, they are composed of various groups and parties (social beings), which allows the competition and disputes. So Allah sent down the regulations and obligations for them as guidelines that they must comply in life together, to keep the implementation of the regulation, obliging him to appoint a manager in charge of managing their affairs and to act as a judge in resolving disputes between them.
