January 2022

Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Penerimaan Pegawai Honorer Dengan Metode Profile Matching

Submitted by admin on Tue, 01/11/2022 - 17:19
Penerimaan pegawai honorer baru di Dinas Pendidikan Kota Sungai Penuh masih dilakukan secara manual yaitu berkas lamaran calon pegawai baru akan dievaluasi dengan membandingkan isian berkas dengan kriteria yang ditetapkan. Berkas lamaran antar calon pegawai memiliki kelengkapan yang berbeda sehingga hasil dari keputusan penerimaan calon pegawai baru tidak akurat. Proses perbandingan berkas diadakan untuk mengambil keputusan dalam menentukan kelulusan pegawai yang dicari dan sangat memakan waktu.

Rancang Bangun Indikator Kondisi Udara Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 328

Submitted by rahman on Mon, 01/10/2022 - 13:32
Polusi udara dewasa ini semakin menampakkan kondisi yang sangat memprihatinkan.Polusi disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia seperti pencemaran yang berasal dari pabrik, kendaraan bermotor, pembakaran sampah, sisa pertanian, dan peristiwa alam seperti kebakaran hutan.Tujuan dari pembuatan alat pendeteksi kadar udara berbasis mikrokontroler Atmega 328 adalah untuk merealisasikan rancangan hardwaredan program pada pembuatan alat indikator kondisi udara lingkungan dan mengetahui unjuk kerja pendeteksian kadar gas, serta melakukan pengujian dan analisa terhadap alat indikator kondisi lingkungan udara.

An Analysis of the Failures and Successes of the Presidential Decree in the Parliament Dissolution (A Comparative of the Presidential Decree in Tunisia and Indonesia During Soekarno and Abdurrahman Wahid)

Submitted by admin on Thu, 01/06/2022 - 12:18
This article investigates a legal politics in Tunisia and Indonesia focuses the fate of the presidential decree in Tunisia in the dissolution of Parliament context. Did it succeed or fail? This analysis is obtained through a comparative study of the same pattern in Indonesia, namely the presidential decree during the Soekarno leadership and Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur. The data is obtained through literature studies such as scientific books and journals. Researchers also construct the data through online media studies both at domestic and abroad.

Character Education in Quran Thematic Interpretation of QS Luqman 12-19 and Its Relevance to Character Education by the National Ministry of Educaiton

Submitted by fahrun on Tue, 01/04/2022 - 10:14
In Surah Luqman Verses 12-19 contained the formulation of educational values primary of character education. Research on the content of the verse is necessary and compelling to instill character values in children and at the same time berate children from environmental influences. This study uses a qualitative strain with library research. The purpose is to know the values of character education contained in the Surah Luqman verses 12-19 and to determine its relevance to the character education of the Ministry of National Education. Content analysis is a method used for textual and language.