The birth and formation of laws and regulations related to sharia economic law is based on the growing development of sharia financial institutions (LKS). The operation of Islamic financial institutions must of course be in accordance with Islamic principles, namely those based on the Qur'an and hadith. The birth of laws and regulations of sharia economic law is actually rooted in fiqh muamalah. The research method used in this study is library research, namely research using library data from books, journals, theses, dissertations, articles and others. The results of the study show that legislation related to Islamic economics, especially in the field of Islamic banking, is widely absorbed from the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). Almost all MUI fatwas were absorbed as the basis for the formation of the Sharia Banking Law. There are several characteristics of the law, namely universal, maslahah, varied, fair in transactions and transparent.
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