This study aims to determine the level of understanding of plant
physiology in caring for ornamental plants in the people of Sungai
Penuh City. This understanding is related to the understanding of
Plant Physiology. If the community already has an understanding of
plant physiology, then the community can take advantage of
ornamental plants such as greening their homes, increasing income,
and being used as medicinal plants. The type of research used is
quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population
and sample in this study were the people of Sungai Penuh City,
amounting to 76 people. The instrument used is a test in the form
of questions about people's understanding of plant physiology. Data
analysis using SPSS and using the percentage formula. The results
showed that the understanding of community plant physiology in
caring for ornamental plants can be seen that 27 respondents scored
"very high", 41 respondents scored "high", 6 respondents scored
"medium" and 2 respondents scored "low" and none respondents
who scored in the very low category. The average value for this
variable is 75.8 (high).
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